How to set up reimbursements for 2025 coverage

For 2025, you need to submit 2 reimbursement requests to ensure you receive your allowance for all 12 months of 2025:

  • Submit a one-time reimbursement for your binding January payment (the payment that is due now in order for your coverage to start on 1/1/25).
  • Then set up auto-reimbursements that will begin February 1st and repeat monthly through December 2025.

Submit a one-time reimbursement for your initial payment

  1. Go to the Reimbursements tab of your StretchDollar portal (click here to go).
  2. Click +Submit One-Time Reimbursement Request in the upper right corner.
  3. Enter details about your 2025 health plan and upload proof of coverage.
  4. Your StretchDollar admin will be notified of your request. Once your request is approved, you will receive funds in 3-5 business days.

Set up auto-reimbursements for February-December 2025

  1. Go to the Auto-Reimbursements tab of your StretchDollar portal (click here to go).
  2. Click +Set Up 2025 Auto-Reimbursement in the upper right corner.
  3. Enter details about your 2025 health plan and upload proof of coverage.
  4. Your StretchDollar admin will be notified of your request. Once your request is approved, you will receive funds around the first day of each month beginning February 1st.
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