How do I cancel my health insurance?

If you have coverage through the individual health insurance marketplace, you can cancel your plan whenever you choose.

Keep in mind, it is best to have a new policy in place before canceling your current plan to avoid any gaps in coverage.

Here are two simple steps to cancel your plan:

  1. Reach out to your insurance company. 

If you have a state or federal marketplace plan, you can cancel it anytime by logging into your account and terminating the coverage. (Be sure that you have your new policy secured before taking this step.) If you need assistance canceling your marketplace coverage online, contact their customer service team. You should find your health insurer's phone number on your insurance card.

2. Verify the cancellation steps. 

Each health insurance company has its own cancellation process. Follow their instructions carefully. Double-check the accuracy of your policy end dates to ensure a seamless transition between plans.

What if you already paid an entire year's premium?

If you paid for your individual policy upfront and want to cancel it before it expires, you can request a refund. We recommend calling your carrier first to understand how that process works before canceling.

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